
Tips for Belly Fat Decrease

Main reasons of the increased belly fat:

Belly fat is mainly visceral fat. When the body's intake of calories is greater than the calories consumed, the excess calories are converted into fat, temporarily stored in the abdomen, and can quickly burn to provide energy when the calorie is insufficient. If a person has too much calories for a long time, and the abdominal fat is only absent, it is easy to cause abdominal obesity. While another reason can be blamed to the sedentary lifestyle. In this hectic world, more and more people suffer from excessive weight gain due to inactive body condition, people work, play video game etc, all the sedentary phenomena will contribute to accumulation of fat within body, specially the belly area.


1. Weight loss by exercise.

Through effective activities, increase the total body metabolism, promote fat burn is the best and safest option for weight loss. But it is a long-term task. It is difficult to be effective within 45 days of the start of the exercise, and it is easy to increase the amount of exercise and fatigue. In addition, glucose is consumed instead of fat when it is active, so it is not easy to become thin. Strengthening physical exercise must be sustained. If the exercise stops midway, the fat cell volume will increase again, and the weight will return to the pre-exercise level, and even rebound, which is even fatter than the original.

2. Slimming patch.

South Korea MYMI fat-slimming patch is selected from the natural herbal medicines "Cassia, Atractylodes, Poria, Divine Comedy, Shanzhai, Astragalus, Alisma, Angelica and other herbal medicines extracting active substances", available on www.mymiwonderpatchofficial.com and passed the FDA official certification. In the slimming of weight loss, it will not harm your body. People who are suffer from annoying belly fat can choose wholesale mymi wonder patches as a long term application. Apply with Mymi slimming patch regulate physiological functions, effectively improve obesity, activate lipase activity, accelerate the decomposition of accumulated fat waste in the body, further decompose and consume excessive accumulation of fat, so that it is excreted with metabolism.

3. Healthy diet.

Most people get fat just because their unhealthy lifestyle, they intend to consume high calorie foods like meat, carbonated beverage with high sugar, processed food, alcohol. Trying to avoid high calorie food intake, eat more green food like vegetables that contain high fibers, it can clean intestinal fat and make you feel satisfied thus prevent over food intake. Drink more water. Researches shows that when drink enough water can increase metabolic rate and cycle, then the body will consume more calories that stored in body.

4. Whole grain diets

Studies have shown that whole grain diets have significant benefits for both the waist and the heart. A whole grain-rich recipe can help eliminate the long-awaited belly while reducing the risk of heart disease. A new study found that people who participate in weight-loss programs eat whole-wheat bread and cereals, and they can lose more belly fat than those who only eat refined cereals (white bread and rice). In addition, those who regularly consume whole grains can reduce C-reactive protein (CRP, a hallmark of inflammation associated with heart disease) by 38%.

